Sunday 17 July 2011

Van-driving Charactery Meme lifted off the Redjay

Well... It's about time someone successful lifted something from Rauda Redjay.
Heres the Deal.
You've somehow acquired a magical dimension-splicing conversion van and are planning an epic cross-country road trip for your roleplay characters. First, pick ten characters, then answer these questions to see how your adventure turns out to be. I intend to redo this in the next day or two with my fictional characters as well...

1. Wulf Wulffriend, (Homegrown Warhammer Fantasy, Half-Ogre Paladin)
2. Claudius Drakensblodet.  (Homegrown Warhammer Fantasy, Vampire Duellist)
3. Rathka Blood-Fanged (Homegrown Warhammer Fantasy, Dark Elf Beastmaster)
4. Crunk (Homegrown Warhammer Fantasy, Half-Ogre... Thug, I believe is simplest)
5. Vepky (Vampire The Masquerade, Gangrel Enforcer)
6. Halfdane Nibelungen (Deathwatch, Space Wolf Techmarine)
7. Roger (forgotten his list of last names now)  (Dark Heresy, Feral/Noble Assassin)
8. Harathoi (World of Warcraft, Blood Elf Paladin)
9. Swift (D&D 3.5, Human Barbarian)
10. Jack Denver (Homegrown Urban Fantasy System, Small Dragon)

(1) The GPS has an obnoxious voice. What does Swift name it, and is Roger bothered by it?
Well. Swift is a barbarian, one whose tribe names people after their defining features. I guarantee it would end up being referred to as either Guide or Voice. As for Roger, he grew up with Technology, and so would probably accept it without issue. And not be bothered by it.

(2) Harathoi, Claudius, Crunk, and Crunk, are all forced to share the cramped back seat. How do they arrange themselves?
Carefully. Wulf and Crunk are both half-ogres. Non-identical twins, actually, and moral opposites. They would likely end up on opposite sides of the vehicle. Claudius and Harathoi would squeeze into the middle. Seeing as how Claudius is a Vampire, he'd stay as far from Wulf as possible. So 'tis likely that the Vampire and the evil Half-Ogre in service to a demigod of death will take one side, and the two Paladins will take the other. 

(3) Vepky and Denver are sitting next to each other, Who gets the window seat.
Denver, for certain. Vepky will be trying to keep as far from the sun as possible.

(4) Rathka and Halfdane are invading each others personal space. Who gets annoyed first, and how do they deal with it.
I suspect it would never get resolved. Rathka comes from a society where being easily riled is a bad thing. As for Halfdane, If he gets annoyed, he would simply have his servo-arm hold Rathka at a distance of 1.75 meters away. Although that could end badly for all concerned if Rathka's pet Hydra is about...

(5) What habit does Harathoi have that could irritate Crunk.
Um... Does being a poncy elf count? And also the ability to be immune to cannonfire...

(6) Who is more likely to start a round of '99 bottles', Wulf or Roger.
The Song? Neither. Wulf might treat everyone to his own version, that being '99 Kegs'

(7) Would you trust Swift or Denver behind the wheel for a while?
Swift, not a chance. Chappy has seen ONE motorised vehicle. He was a passenger, and almost took out the engine by accident. Denver on the other hand is a skilled driver, a Helicopter Pilot, a Search and Rescue operator in the Rocky Mountains, and damn good at any such things, drunk or sober. He can take the wheel any day. In fact, it's liable to be either him or Halfdane driving the whole trip.

(8) You stop at a gas station and Vepky and Rathka make a snack run. What do they bring back?
OH GODS! Who sent a Vampire and a Druchii? Okay. Vodka. Random Passersby. Possibly Random Passerby marinated in Vodka.

(9) Claudius and Halfdane brought their CD collections. What is liable to be on the playlists.
Well. Claudius tends to listen to classical music, particularly stuff by people who have been forgetten for many, many a year. Halfdane favours Norse Folk Music and Folk Metal. Cue Turisas, Amon Amarth, Ensiferum, Tyr. Certain Led Zep (Immigrant Song) And of course, The Imperial March.

(10) Who is the more notorious backseat driver, Harathoi or Denver.
Oh, Denver, certainly. He has an almost eidetic memory. And a head full of aerial photographs... which he thinks he can translate into directions effortlessly. Lies.

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